What are green products as you’ve probably heard in the news already, not all green products are actually green. Baby products, in particular, have been exposed by this assertion, and parents looking to be environmentally friendly with bottles, toys, and sheets might need to do some research before purchasing.
What Are Green Products
Greenwashing” is the term, according to an Environmental Leader article, given to inaccurately labeled “green” products. So, as far as your baby is concerned, how do you know if an item is genuinely good for the environment? For more informative blogs visit dramy bazz
What are green products it’s a tough call with baby products, as, the Environmental Leader piece mentions, 90 to 95 percent of “green” baby gear has no proof. In general, if the claims about the product’s benefits for the environment are vague, not accurate, or unsubstantiated, you might want to think twice about purchasing it.
For parents, unfortunately, bottles spurred a trend to go green, as, only a few years ago, BPA was found to be in many feeding supplies. What are green products children under three years of age shouldn’t be exposed to such chemicals as BPA and phthalates, as they have the potential to cause developmental delays or physical disorders? Some states have banned the use of the chemical, while manufacturers claim that their products are “BPA-free” or “phthalates-free.” But how can you be so sure?
Be wary of plastic products for children under three years of age, and look for as many alternatives as possible with bottles, cups, toys, and mattresses. We wrote about finding alternatives to BPA in the spring, and these suggestions will assist you with finding products that may be more “green” – or, at least, won’t contain potentially harmful chemicals. For more informative blogs visit wikipedia
What are green products as we suggested, check the recycling number on the bottom of the product – “3” and “7” definitely have BPA and look for other options, such as metal baby bottles, that contain no plastic whatsoever.