Good Resolutions For The New Year

Good Resolutions For The New Year

Good resolutions for the new year well, it’s a new year, and that can be a good thing or a bad thing. Every year the topic of resolutions comes back, with expectations of a renewed commitment to something you want/need to do. I am normally not a resolution kind of guy. My typical New Year’s resolution is to not make any resolutions. But I have found in the last 3 or 4 months that even small changes in your marketing habits can dramatically change your bottom line. Let’s look at some marketing resolutions that can make this year a great one for you and your company.

Good Resolutions For The New Year

According to Hubspot, companies that blog 6-8 times per month generate over 2X more leads than companies that blog just twice a month. In today’s marketing climate, Content Is KING. Original content is the cream of the crop. For more informative blogs visit dramy bazz

Good resolutions for the new year planning increased blogging frequency will greatly increase your incoming leads. If you pick this resolution, start putting it into action by blocking out time on your calendar for the first 21 weeks, then re-evaluate your progress and effectiveness.

I will produce at least one video every quarter and post it on YouTube

Video is the fastest-growing method of business communication to date. Many will watch a video when they would otherwise skip over an article or whitepaper. A video could be as easy as a collection of customer testimonials, or create a best practices video for your customers. Video content sometimes seems like a bridge too far but it is easier today than it has ever been. Chances are you will enjoy the process more than you think.

I will take the time to conduct a marketing

Good resolutions for the new year when was the last time you laid out every piece of your marketing in one place and looked at it in its entirety? Probably too long ago, if ever. Schedule some time on your calendar to do just that.

Inspect your marketing’s consistency, branding, color schemes, level of quality, and frequency. What you will learn about yourself and your company will surprise you. You will start to see trends and discrepancies that you were unaware of. This year will give you an opportunity to fill in some of the gaps and bring all of that together into one cohesive message.
I will get into the habit of doing A/B tests prior to any direct marketing

Without testing your email subject line or your headline, how will you know which one is the most effective? Before you send your email campaign or your direct mail campaign out the door, run a few tests and gauge the response rate of each version. Good resolutions for the new year then choose the best one and send it to everyone. On the next campaign test your first headline against a new one and send out the winner. Soon you will have the optimum subject line for your message.

I promise to set specific

Setting marketing goals is very important, goals are the benchmarks you set to determine if the campaign was a success. Without goals, it will be hard to motivate yourself and your employees to reach them. You also will miss out on the sense of accomplishment without setting goals. How many clicks, likes, and shares are you aiming for? How many website visits or phone calls do you want?

I will employ a simple effective way to measure every campaign

Measuring the response you get from a campaign is vital to the effectiveness of marketing. Without a way to measure results, you aren’t really marketing, Good resolutions for the new year our are creating expensive decorations. Do you remember when groups would release a bunch of balloons into the air with notes attached with instructions to call a phone number when found?

When the phone calls came in they would find the caller on a map and see how far the balloons traveled. Not having a way to measure your marketing is like releasing balloons with no notes attached. All it turns out to be is expensive decorations. Make sure to employ something simple, a custom landing page, a custom phone number, a coupon code, or a returnable postcard; then keep track of the responses.

I will create an image of my perfect customer 

Good resolutions for the new year knowing your “Perfect Customer” is probably the best thing you can do to further your marketing, after all, if you know who your “Perfect Customer” is, what they like, where they go, what they are involved in, what media they see, and what compels them to buy, you might know what to say to them, when to say it and what media to use that will be most effective. And that will make your marketing much easier.

I will read one book on marketing every quarter

Learning more about marketing and marketing techniques may not turn you into a marketing expert, but it will help you get your mind wrapped around what it takes to market your business. For more informative blogs visit wikipedia

There are several books out there that can help anyone become a better marketer, regardless of your experience or proficiency. Make an effort to expand your horizons. If you are not just a little scared, you aren’t learning anything.

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